Prior to the Examination
- 請攜帶護照或居留證正本到試場參加考試。如果沒有護照或居留證正本,請帶兩張有照片的證件正本,姓名必須與報名資料一樣。如果沒有帶身分證件正本,將無法參加考試,且不能要求延考或退費。
A test-taker should present either a valid passport with his/her photo attached or ARC at the test room. If a test-taker does not have the forms of identification mentioned above, TWO other forms of photo identification may also be accepted, but the test-taker’s name on these IDs has to be consistent with the registration information. Those who fail to present the valid IDs are not allowed to take the test and will not be able to ask for a refund or reschedule the test.
- 考試當天請一定要準時進入試場,遲到超過十分鐘就不可以進場(以考場時鐘為準)。因故遲到而無法參加考試者,不得要求延考或退費。
Be sure to enter the test room on time. Admittance is not allowed more than 10 minutes after the test begins(based on the clock in the test center).Those who are late for the test may not request for a refund or reschedule the test.
- 考試當天請不要帶貴重物品,試場不負責保管責任。
Do not bring anything valuable with you. Test centers assume no responsibility for test takers’ personal belongings.
- 進入試場前,請關閉行動電話及相關電子產品,並取消鬧鈴設定。
Before entering the test room, please turn off your cell phone, alarm clock settings and any other electronic devices.
- 進入試場前,請先查看試場門口的座號表,確定自己的座位號碼,並按照座位號碼入座。
Look up for your seat number on the seating arrangement sheet on the door before entering the test room. Sit in your assigned seat.
- 除了身分證件和應試用品以外,隨身物品請放在指定的地方,不可以放在座位四周。
Personal items other than your Photo ID and stationery are not allowed on the desktop. All your personal items must be put away at the front of the test room.
- 試場內不能吸煙、飲食、嚼食口香糖或攜帶飲料及白開水入座。
There is no smoking, drinking, eating, chewing gum or water in the test room.
During the Test Session
- 入座後,請將身分證件放在桌上,並檢查測驗專用紙上自己的名字是否正確,如果有錯誤,請在點名時跟監試人員反應。
Your photo ID will be checked before you are admitted. The name that you used to register must match the name on the ID you present at the test center and the personal paper on the desktop. If any information is incorrect or missing, please inform the invigilators during the roll call.
- 已經進入試場參加考試的考生,必須等到閱讀測驗說明影片開始後,才能夠去洗手間或交卷。
You may submit your answers to finish the testor go to the rest room only after the reading instructions started playing.
- 測驗中沒有休息時間,如果因為身體不舒服或是要去洗手間,造成測驗時間不夠,也必須在規定的考試時間內結束考試。
No breaks are given during the test. You are required to finish the test in time even if you are permitted to leave the test room for special reasons.
- 考試時,行動電話及相關電子產品不可以發出任何聲音或振動,如果有違規情況,將取消考試資格。
If your cell phone or any other electronic devices ring, vibrate, or make any noise during the test, you will not receive any scores for this test.
- 考生不可以左顧右盼、相互交談,影響考試秩序將取消考試資格。
Do not look around, discuss test content, make noise or cause any disturbance during the test session. Or you will not receive any scores for this test.
- 若發現有人頂替代考,考生與代考者,會被要求離開試場並取消考試資格,二年內不得再報名參加本測驗。
If you attempt to take the test for someone else or have someone take the test for you, both of you will be dismissed from the test room and will not receive any scores for this test. Moreover, both of you may not be able to attend the TOCFL test in the next 2 years.
- 考試時,嚴格禁止以文字、錄音或其他形式,複製考試內容,如果有違規情況,會被要求離開試場並取消考試資格,二年內不得再報名參加本測驗。
It is not allowed to copy the test content by transcribing, recording or any other format during the test. If you do so, you will be dismissed from the test room and will not receive any scores for this test. Moreover, you may not be able to attend the TOCFL test in the next 2 years.
- 考生如有作弊或其他違規情況,或有不服監試人員指示者,監試人員可以要求考生離開試場並取消考試資格。
If you fail to comply with the test administration regulations or the test administrator's directions, you will be dismissed from the test room and will not receive any scores for this test.
- 華語文能力測驗採電腦考試,測驗中途若發生網路中斷、電腦故障或人為操作不當等,造成題目無法完整播放呈現、跳題、測驗系統暫停或登出之情形,考生應立即舉手通知監試人員處理,請考生於現場稍待,勿自行離開,並配合監試人員之處理方式。待問題排除後,重新以考生專屬測驗帳號,或監考人員提供之備用帳號登入後,即可接續先前測驗進度,繼續完成測驗,並不影響先前成績計算,考生不得以測驗中斷為由向本會或監考人員請求重測、退費、損害賠償或為其他請求或任何主張。
In case of any technical problems that arise during the computerized Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language, e.g. disconnection from the Internet, the computer malfunctions, or human operational errors, the test-taker should immediately notify the test proctor for assistance. The test-taker should remain at the test site, and follow the directions of the test proctor while the problem is being solved. Upon the solution of the problem, the test taker can, by logging in again with either the original test ID or a backup login ID provided by the test-proctor, resume the test at the point where the interruption occurred. The test result will not be affected by any means by the interruption. The test-taker may not make any claim to SC-TOP or the test-proctor of any right to retake the test, for a refund, or for any form of compensation.
- 如遇停電等不可抗拒之因素需中止考試時,本會將另安排其他考試時間及場地,並公布相關考試訊息,進行補考。若考生無法配合補考時間,可向本會申請退費。
In any case of cancellation and rescheduling of a test due to causes force majeure, SC-TOP will announce the new time and venue of the rescheduled test. The test-taker who finds the new arrangement inconvenient may request a refund of the registration fee.
After the Examination
- 當考生完成測驗時,電腦螢幕即顯示該次測驗成績,但若考生在測驗過程中改以備用帳號登入應試,該成績不具參考價值。正式成績請以本會報名系統公告之測驗成績及通過等級為準。
The test scores are displayed on the computer screen upon the completion of the test. In the case when the test-taker uses a backup login ID to resume an interrupted test, the scores displayed at the end of the session are not considered official test results. The official test results (the scores and the levels achieved) are as displayed in the SC-TOP test registration system.
- 結束考試後請立即離開試場,如有違規情況,將取消考試資格,二年內不得再報名參加本測驗。
You must leave the test room immediately once the test is finished. Or you will not receive any scores for this test and may not be able to attend the TOCFL test in the next 2 years.
- 出場後,不得在試場附近逗留或大聲講話。
After the test, hanging around, discussing or sharing the test content, or giving assistance to other candidates in any form is prohibited.
- 如有本測驗未列之其他作弊、不良意圖之行為,或影響考試公平、考生權益之事項,及其他特殊情況時,得由監試人員予以登記,再由本會依其情節輕重予以處理。
Steering Committee for the Test Of Proficiency-Huayu reserves the right to take all actions for disruptive behavior or failure to comply with the test administration regulations or the test administrator's directions during the test session.
- 本會保有各項規定文字之最後解釋權。
SC-TOP reserves the right to the final interpretation of each item in these regulations.
- 如因本測驗規範所生之訴訟,考生同意以台灣台北地方法院為第一審管轄法院。
In case of any lawsuit related to the regulations of the exam, the test-taker agrees that Taipei District Court shall be the court of competent jurisdiction for the first instance.