考試通知信內容 Reminder for the TOCFL test |
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考試通知信內容 Reminder for the TOCFL test |
親愛的考生您好,請記得參加TOCFL考試,並且在考試前確認考場的位置。請特別留意考試時間,建議提早半小時抵達考場,切勿遲到;遲到者不得進入考場應試,亦不得申請退費或補考。Please remember to take the TOCFL test, and confirm the test location before you attend the test. Please pay special attention to the Test Time. It is recommended that you arrive half an hour early and do not be late; late arrivals will not be allowed to enter the test room and will not be allowed to apply for a refund or a make-up TOCFL test.
◎提醒您,請仔細閱讀下面的注意事項 Please read the following information about the test carefully:
- 請記得帶「護照」或「居留證」正本參加考試;如果沒有護照或居留證正本,請帶兩張有照片的證件正本,姓名必須與報名資料一樣。如果沒有帶身分證件正本,視同違規,並取消考試資格,不得入場考試。Please present either a valid passport or ARC to test proctors. If you do not have the forms of identification mentioned above, TWO other forms of photo identification can also be accepted, but your name on these IDs has to be consistent with the registration information. Those who fail to present the valid IDs are not allowed to take the test.
- 請記得帶筆,考試可以做筆記。Remember to bring your own pencil/pen. You may take notes during the test. (Only for Listening & Reading Test, Speaking Test.)
- 強烈建議您提前30分鐘到達考場,於指定的測驗時間準時參加考試,遲到超過10分鐘就不可以進教室考試(以考場時鐘為準),遲到者即失去應試資格,不予退費。We strongly suggest that you arrive at the testing center 30 minutes prior to scheduled start time. Please sure to enter the test room on time. Admittance is not allowed more than 10 minutes after the test begins (based on the clock in the test center). Late arrivals will be disqualified from the test and no refund will be available.
- 進入考場之前,手機請關機,並取消鬧鈴設定,如果發出聲音或震動,成績以零分計算。Please turn off your cell phone and alarm before you enter the test room. If your cell phone rings during the test, you will fail the test.
- 電腦操作注意事項 Guidelines for computer operation:
- 為了熟悉考試系統,建議您連結華測會網站觀看「聽力測驗、閱讀測驗考試系統操作說明影片」、「線上模擬測驗平台」。 To familiarize yourself with the computerized test, please visit SC-TOP website to see the test system instruction information / Mock Test (Online Test)
- 電腦化適性測驗(TOCFL Computerized Adaptive Test),詳細測驗介紹請您參考以下連結。CAT考前須知、CAT測驗簡介、證書核發新制說明影片、CAT證書等級試算(輸入您的成績,系統會幫您算出證書等級Enter your score and the system will calculate your certificate level.)。
- 口語測驗(TOCFL Speaking Test),詳細測驗介紹請您參考以下連結。「口語測驗考試流程說明影片」、「口語模擬試題系統」、「如何操作口語測驗系統(中文)」、「如何操作口語測驗系統(英文)」、「如何操作口語測驗系統(泰文)」、「如何操作口語測驗系統(印尼文)」、「如何操作口語測驗系統(越南文)」。 Test System Instruction Information, Speaking Mock Test, How to take TOCFL Speaking test (Chinese), How to take TOCFL Speaking test (English), How to take TOCFL Speaking test (Thai), How to take TOCFL Speaking test (Indonesian), How to take TOCFL Speaking test (Vietnamese).
- 寫作測驗(TOCFL Writing Test),詳細測驗介紹請您參考以下連結。「寫作測驗考試流程說明影片」。
- 不可以將試題或作答資料帶出試場。 Do not take the test content or recording materials out of the test room.
- 不可以自行開啟任何網頁或電腦軟體,如:Office、Windows Media Player、遊戲或是音樂mp3等等。 You are not allowed to open any webpage or software, including Microsoft Office, Windows Media Player, games or mp3 files.
- 如因上述個人操作行為導致測驗無法繼續進行時,該次測驗一律以零分計算,且考生不得要求重新考試或計分,亦不能要求退費。 The test center reserves the right, in case of any violation of the above regulations or misuse of computer equipment, to cancel the test score. Test takers will not be allowed to re-take/postpone the test or have the test re-scored. Also, no refund will be available.
- 測驗中途若發生網路中斷、電腦故障或人為操作不當等,造成題目無法完整播放呈現、跳題、測驗系統暫停或登出之情形,考生應立即舉手通知監試人員處理,請考生於現場稍待,勿自行離開,並配合監試人員之處理方式。待問題排除後,重新以考生專屬測驗帳號,或監考人員提供之備用帳號登入後,即可接續先前測驗進度,繼續完成測驗,並不影響先前成績計算,考生不得以測驗中斷為由向本會或監考人員請求重測、退費、損害賠償或為其他請求或任何主張。 In case of any technical problems that arise during the computerized TOCFL, e.g. disconnection from the Internet, the computer malfunctions, or human operational errors, the test-taker should immediately notify the test proctor for assistance. The test-taker should remain at the test site, and follow the directions of the test proctor while the problem is being solved. Upon the solution of the problem, the test taker can, by logging in again with either the original test ID or a backup login ID provided by the test-proctor, resume the test at the point where the interruption occurred. The test result will not be affected by any means by the interruption. The test-taker may not make any claim to SC-TOP or the test-proctor of any right to retake the test, for a refund, or for any form of compensation.
- 如遇停電等不可抗拒之因素需中止考試時,本會將另安排其他考試時間及場地,並公布相關考試訊息,進行補考。若考生無法配合補考時間,可向本會申請退費。 In any case of cancellation and rescheduling of a test due to causes force majeure, SC-TOP will announce the new time and venue of the rescheduled test. The test-taker who finds the new arrangement inconvenient may request a refund of the registration fee.
- 正式成績請以考試後本會報名系統公告之測驗成績及通過等級為準(http://reg.sc-top.org.tw/)。 The official test results (the scores and the levels achieved) may be made 20 days after the test date by logging onto the registration system at http://reg.sc-top.org.tw/.
- 成績單與證書的郵寄方式國內外一律為掛號,若須快捷寄件,將另外加收郵資。成績紀錄僅保留二年。The test score report will be sent by registered mail. Qualified test takers will also be issued a certificate indicating the level and rank passed by the test taker. All mail (both domestic and international) will be registered. Also, express mail will incur extra charge. TOCFL scores are valid for two years only.
- 若因地址填寫錯誤造成成績單及證書寄送延遲或遺失,請重新申請加發成績單及證書。 If incorrect mailing details provided by the test taker leads to non-delivery of their score reports or certificates, the test taker may apply for a reissue and pay the associated fee.
- 若要更改寄送地址,最慢請於考試後7日內寫信到服務信箱(service@sc-top.org.tw)提出修正,以下是您的收件地址,請再次確認: Test takers who want to change their address details must email the new details to service@sc-top.org.tw within 7 days after the test date. The test score report / certificate will be sent to:
- 若要申請正式收據,最慢請於考試後7日內寫信到服務信箱(service@sc-top.org.tw)提出申請,謝謝。 Test takers who want to apply for an official receipt must email to service@sc-top.org.tw within 7 days after the test date.
- 本會保有各項規定文字之最後解釋權,如因本測驗規範所生之訴訟,考生同意以臺灣臺北地方法院為第一審管轄法院。 SC-TOP reserves the right to the final interpretation of each item in these regulations. In case of any lawsuit related to the regulations of the exam, the test-taker agrees that Taipei District Court shall be the court of competent jurisdiction for the first instance.
- 若於考試當日有緊急狀況急需與我們聯絡,我們的緊急聯絡電話為:02-77498666。 For emergencies on TOCFL test day, we can be reached on 02-77498666.