Test Date |
Test Type |
Pilot / Formal |
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Registration period |
- TOCFL正式考試Formal test:
Test-takers are required to upload a headshot on the “Personal Information” page. The registration will not be processed until the headshot is verified and approved (usually within two working days). The headshot, once verified and approved, cannot be replaced. The registration of the test-taker will be revoked if the identity cannot be verified with the headshot. No refund of the registration fee will be given for such revocation. Other major changes of TOCFL regulations, please link to LATEST NEW.
- TOCFL預試 Pilot Test:
1. 母語為中文之本國人士,請勿報名預試。
If you're native Chinese-speaker, please do not register for the pilot test.
2. 預試恕不受理退費,煩請見諒。
We cannot process refunds of pilot tests, apologies for any inconvenience caused.
- 配合勞動部移工留才久用方案之移工考生,建議報名黃底的場次:
For migrant workers participating in the Ministry of Labor's long-term employment program, it is recommended to register for the following sessions with a yellow background:
1. (電腦)聽力測驗A等-無閱讀適合移工
(Computer) Listening Test Band A - with no reading test for migrant worker
2. (電腦)口語測驗,含「入門基礎級Band A」的場次
(Computer) Speaking Test, including sessions for the "basic level Band A" category.
- 兒童華語文能力測驗CCCC:
We cannot process refunds of CCCC, apologies for any inconvenience caused.