華語文能力測驗考試規則重大變革Major changes of TOCFL
The Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language (TOCFL) regulations will undergo major changes since 2025. Please read the following important notice:
一、 進行報名考試之前,請考生登入線上報名系統,在「個人資料維護」上傳大頭照。
Before proceeding with registration, test-takers should log in to the online registration system and upload a headshot on the “Personal Information” page.
- 大頭照經核准(兩個工作日內)後才可報名,且不可再更改。
The registration will not be processed until the headshot is verified and approved (usually within two working days). The headshot, once verified and approved, cannot be replaced.
- 大頭照通過審核後,才可報名考試。建議考生及早完成上傳及審核,以免錯失報名機會。
Test registration can be processed only after the headshot has been approved. Test-takers are advised to upload the headshot in time, not to miss the registration deadline.
- 大頭照將出現在監考人員的點名表上,以確認考生身份,如果監考人員無法確認大頭照是否與本人相符,將取消考試資格,並且不退費。
The approved headshot will appear on the attendance sheet for the proctor to verify the test-taker's identity. The registration of the test-taker will be revoked if the identity cannot be verified with the headshot. No refund of the registration fee will be given for such revocation.
- 大頭照規格如下The headshot must meet the following specifications:
Must be in black and white or in color, taken within the last six months.
Must be taken against a white background, featuring a close-up of the full head and upper shoulders. The headshot should display a front view of the face with no head coverings, with both ears and all facial features clearly visible. The hair should not cover eyebrows or eyes.
限jpg檔,大小限2MB,寬高比例為3:4,像素為360x480 pixels。
Must be in JPG file format, no more than 2MB in size, with dimensions of 360x480 pixels for a 3:4 aspect ratio.
Must not be a rephotograph, life photo, or composite photo.
二、 中文姓名、英文姓名、生日等報名資料,需與護照或身分證上完全一致,如果不一樣,將無法參加考試,並且不退費。
The Chinese and English names, as well as the birth date provided by test-takers during registration, should match the information on their passport or identity card. Any discrepancy will result in revocation of test registration. No refund of the registration fee will be given for such revocation.
三、 如果需要更正中文姓名、英文姓名、國籍、生日、電子信箱、報考的正簡版本,請於報名截止日之前 電郵提出申請,逾期恕不受理。[請下載]:考生個人資料更正注意事項(海外考區適用)
If you need to correct your Chinese name, English name, nationality, date of birth, e-mail address, or to switch between traditional and simplified Chinese characters during registration, please submit your request before the registration deadline. No requests will be accepted after the deadline. [Please download]:TOCFL Guide to Modification of Personal Information (for Test-Takers in Overseas Areas)
四、 嚴禁攜帶任何金屬和電子裝置入座,包括零錢、鑰匙、飾品、手機、各式手錶、智慧手環、智慧眼鏡、錄音筆等。
It is strictly forbidden to bring any metal or electronic devices including coins, keys, jewelry, mobile phones, all types of watches, smart wristbands, smart glasses, recording pens, etc.
五、 下載完整新版考試規則請見官網。
Please see the TOCFL official website to download the complete revised test regulations .